I am currently an associate professor with The University of Tokyo, and University of Alberta (with a shared appointment time from April 2023), leading Momentum Lab.
Previously, I held the assistant professor position with Kyushu University from Jan. 2019, and was promoted to associate professor on April 2020. From April 2021, I joined University of Alberta and was honored to be selected as a Canada CIFAR AI Chair, and a Fellow with Alberta Machine Intelligent Institute (Amii). From April 2023, I joined The computer science department of The University of Tokyo as an associate professor.
My research spans a wide range of research topics, and comes with a special focus centering on the interdisciplinary research fields of Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence, in the design and development of quality assurance and engineering support for building trustworthy AI systems.
In my early career as a student, I received a B.E. degree from
Shanghai Jiaotong University (SJTU)
in 2009, M.E. and Ph.D. degrees from The University of Tokyo, in 2011 and 2014, respectively. During my Ph.D. program, I studied for half a year in the Mathematics and Computer Science department of
Technische Universität München(TUM)
I love theories, but I like even more to transfer theories into practice!
I have several research interests and working directions.
My current major research interest mainly focuses on providing general purpose quality assurance solutions and engineering support for intelligent software systems. I believe the trustworthy intelligent software system would be the key driving force for technology innovation of the future. It does not solely rely on the foundational research from the AI community, but also requires the contribution from the many communities such as software engineering, control, etc., upbringing a new interdisciplinary emerging field Machine Learning System Engineering, an extremely exciting and demanding area of the near future!
We have conducted consecutive works along the general-purpose quality assurance research for intelligent software systems (e.g., testing, analysis, verification, interpretation, attacks, defenses), to bridge vast demands from industry. Exciting research results would be continuously updated!
In the past, my research interest mainly focuses around software engineering and programming language, in particular automated software testing, verification, analysis, evolution, mining, etc. I am particularly intersted in the interdisplinary fields of software and various foundational science and engineering process. For example, I worked on green computation and optimization solutions for cloud and big data centers I am also interested in genomic data analsyis to uncover life mysteries and to search for health solutions through trustworthy AI solutions.
See also at Google Scholar or DBLP.